Extra Hands for CRO CMO Chief Product Officer and VP Sales


Bring in a fractional enablement professional for only a few weeks or months. They can be assigned a discrete project. The subject matter experts in sales enablement know the space. They have systems knowledge. They can create the content.

They can write playbooks, execute the playbooks, hire the sales enablement people. They can:

  • Listen to more calls on Chorus or Gong and give some coaching feedback to your team.
  • Decompose long form content and make it consumable and offer short snippets to be presented in LMS or with marketing.
  • Build a playbook.
  • Create some content.
  • Make a new course on AI prompts or AI tools.

Result – Impact

With extra hands, the CRO can build momentum in the upcoming quarter. The team has got some breathing room to focus. Reserve attention in the present quarter to close more business.

There can be better alignment between the CMO marketing team and Sales reflected in improved conversion rates in selling to customers, generating referrals and enhancing existing customer success.  

An added upside potential is the CRO and Chief Customer Officer can be more strategic through nurturing new campaigns, reducing CAC, shortening sales cycles, increasing sales deal sizes, raising LTV lifetime value, cutting churn, and maximizing NRR Net Revenue Retention.